H-Series Turn Table Daughter Cart with a Bag Rack.
This customer’s application required maximum part protection for delicate exhaust filtration components. The scope of work required us to design a cart system that would provide part protection for all surface areas while maintaining the quantity demands for replenishment targets. The Account Manager and Engineering decided a bag rack would be the ideal solution for maximum part protection and provide the best cubic utilization of space. In order to meet the quantity needed for line-side delivery, the design included bolting the bag rack onto a 50 x 50 turntable cart. This solution provided us the ability to load cubby holes in the front and the back of the bag rack. When the operator exhausts all the components from the front side cubby holes, the deck rotates to allow the cubby holes on the backside to be presented to the operator. This design achieved the goal of protecting all surface areas while providing the operator the correct number of parts within the recommended ergo strike zone, to satisfy the replenishment demand. The daughter cart upper structure was designed on Jtec’s standard 50 x 50 turn table cart base that has a weight capacity of 2000 lb, with push handles on both sides of the cart. The cart’s face contact brakes are locked in place when the cart is delivered line side. Once one side of the rack is depleted the operator depresses the foot level and rotates the bag rack 180 degrees. This bag rack turntable daughter cart is compatible with the H-Frame CarryMore mother cart. The standard route designed by this customer required the functionality of loading and unloading from either side of the mother cart. In this scenario, the operator running the standard route is required to deliver daughter carts to assembly on both sides of the aisle. The H-Frame design allows the operator to load or unload from either side of the mother cart bay. Check out the video of the cart in action here.